














2023-至今,四川大学 土木工程系 助理研究员

2022-2023,香港大学 土木工程系 博士后(合作导师:Prof. Jun Yang)

2018-2022,天津大学 防灾减灾工程及防护工程 博士(导师:梁建文教授、巴振宁教授)

2015-2018,湖南工业大学 岩土工程 硕士(导师:刘方成教授)









4.四川省自然科学基金,基于物理机制的近断层饱和场地非线性地震动模拟研究, 2024NSFSC09122024-2025,主持




8.香港研究资助局,RGC-GRFDeveloping a multiscale   ground motion modeling framework for offshore engineering applications17214724,主研(PIProf. Jun Yang, HKU


1.巴振宁, 梁建文, 吴孟桃. 横观各向同性半空间波动理论及其在土木工程中的应用, 科学出版社,

  2023. (ISBN: 978-7-03-067548-4)


1.Wu, M., Wang, B., Ba, Z., Dai, K., & Liang,   J. (2024). Propagation attenuation of elastic waves in   multi-row infinitely periodic pile barriers: A closed-form analytical   solution. Engineering Structures, 316, 118480.

2Wu, M., Wang, B., Ba, Z., Dai, K., & Liang, J.   (2023). Vibration isolation of infinitely periodic   pile barriers for anti-plane shear waves: An exact series solution. Soil   Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 176, 108347.

3Wu, M., Ba, Z., & Liang, J. (2022). A procedure for 3D simulation of seismic wave propagation considering   sourcepathsite effects: Theory, verification and application. Earthquake   Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 51(12), 2925-2955.

4Liang, J., Wu, M., Ba, Z., & Lee, V. W. (2021). Surface motion of a layered transversely isotropic half-space with a   3D arbitrary-shaped alluvial valley under qP-, qSV-and SH-waves. Soil   Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 140, 106388.

5Ba, Z., Wu, M., & Liang, J. (2020). 3D dynamic responses of a multi-layered transversely isotropic   saturated half-space under concentrated forces and pore pressure. Applied   Mathematical Modelling, 80, 859-878.

6Liang, J., Wu, M., & Ba, Z. (2019). Three-dimensional dynamic Green's functions for transversely isotropic   saturated half-space subjected to buried loads. Engineering Analysis   with Boundary Elements, 108, 301-320.

7Wu,   M., Tian, W., Liu, F., & Yang, J. (2023). Dynamic behavior of   geocell-reinforced rubber sand mixtures under cyclic simple shear   loading. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 164,   107595.

8Wu, M., Liu, F., Li, Z., & Bu, G. (2022). Micromechanics of granulated rubbersoil mixtures as a cost-effective   substitute for geotechnical fillings. Mechanics of Advanced Materials   and Structures, 30(13), 2701-2717.

9Ba, Z., Sang, Q., Liang, J., & Wu, M.*   (2021). HVSR analysis of a layered saturated   half-space using diffuse-field theory. Geophysical Journal   International, 226(1), 270-286.

10Wu M,   Wang B, Ba Z, Dai K, Liang J. (2024). 3D nonlinear seismic response of a   shallow sedimentary basin: a hybrid approach incorporating equivalent-linear   soil model. Seismological Research Letters, 1-16.

11Wu, M., Liu, F., & Yang, J. (2023). Stressstrainstrength behavior of geosynthetic reinforced rubbersand   mixtures. Acta Geotechnica, 18, 4835-4846.

12Ba, Z., Wu, M., Liang, J., Zhao, J., & Lee, V. W.   (2022). A two-step approach combining FK with SE for   simulating ground motion due to point dislocation sources. Soil   Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 157, 107224.

13Wu, M., Liu, F., & Yang, J. (2022). Seismic response of stratified rock slopes due to incident P and SV   waves using a semi-analytical approach. Engineering Geology, 301,   106594.

14Liang, J., Wu, M., Ba, Z., & Sang, Q. (2021). A reflection-transmission matrix method for time-history response   analysis of a layered TI saturated site under obliquely incident seismic   waves. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 97, 206-225.

15Liang, J., Wu, M., Ba, Z., & Lee, V. W. (2020). Transfer matrix solution to free-field response of a multi-layered   transversely isotropic poroelastic half-plane. Soil Dynamics and   Earthquake Engineering, 134, 106168.

16Wu,   M., & Yang, J. (2024). Kinematic rupture modeling of broadband ground   motion from the 2022 MS6.9 Menyuan earthquake. Journal   of Seismology, 28, 1-15.

17Liu,   F., Zheng, K., Jia, B., Yang, J., & Wu, M.* (2024). Shear modulus and   damping ratio of granulated rubber-sand mixtures: Influence of relative   particle size. Construction and Building Materials, 427,   136205.

18Wu,   M., Tian, W., He, J., Liu, F., & Yang, J. (2023). Seismic isolation   effect of rubber-sand mixture cushion under different site classes based on a   simplified analysis model. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 166,   107738.

19Liu, F., Wang, J., Zhou, B., Wu, M.*, He,   J., & Bin, J. (2023). Shaking table study on   rubber-sand mixture cored composite block as low-cost isolation bearing for   rural houses. Journal of Building Engineering, 76,   107413.

20Liang, J., Wu, M., & Ba, Z. (2021). Simulating elastic wave propagation in 3-D layered transversely   isotropic half-space using a special IBEM: Hill topography as an   example. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 124,   64-81.


1.吴孟桃, 王斌, 巴振宁, 戴靠山, 梁建文. (2024). 基于设定地震的近断层地铁车站结构宽频地震响应分析. 工程科学与技术, 57: 1-15.

2.吴孟桃, 王斌, 巴振宁, 戴靠山, 梁建文. (2024). 震源-盆地-结构整体物理模型地震模拟:FK-SE-FE方法. 振动工程学报, 37: 1-13.

3.梁建文, 吴孟桃, 巴振宁. (2021). 频率波数域内地壳层半空间剪切位错源宽频地震波传播模拟. 岩石力学与工程学报, 39(7): 1468-1484.

4.巴振宁, 张家玮, 梁建文, 吴孟桃*. (2020). 地震波斜入射下层状TI饱和场地地震反应分析. 工程力学, 37(05): 166-177.

5.梁建文, 吴孟桃, 巴振宁. (2020). 软硬交互横向不均匀场地地震反应分析. 岩土工程学报, 41(9): 1599-1608.

6.梁建文, 吴孟桃, 巴振宁. (2020). 移动荷载作用下TI饱和半空间动力响应分析. 振动、测试与诊断, 40(6): 1-8.

7.巴振宁, 吴孟桃, 梁建文, 喻志颖. (2020). 高山-峡谷复合地形对入射平面P-SV波的散射. 应用数学和力学, 41(7): 695-712.

8.刘方成, 杨峻, 吴孟桃*. (2019). 考虑阻尼修正的Pyke滞回模型研究. 岩土工程学报, 2019, 41(01): 86-94.

9.吴孟桃, 刘方成, 陈巨龙, 陈璐. (2018). 含水率对大应变下橡胶砂动剪模量和阻尼比的影响. 岩土力学, 39(3): 803-814.

10.刘方成, 吴孟桃, 刘娜. (2017). 橡胶砂泊松比试验研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 36(1): 3596-3606.




3.担任《Acta Geotechnica》、《Acta Geophysica》、《Applied Mathematical   Modelling》、《Applied Ocean Research》、《ASCE-Journal of Materials   in Civil Engineering》、《Case Studies in Construction Materials》、《Cleaner Engineering and   Technology》、《Computational Particle   Mechanics》、《Computers and Structures》、《Construction and Building   Materials》、《Engineering Analysis with   Boundary Elements》、《Engineering Geology》、《Engineering Science and   Technology-An International Journal》、《International Journal of Mechanical   Sciences》、《Journal of Applied   Geophysics》、《Journal of Rock Mechanics   and Geotechnical Engineering》、《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》、《Soil Dynamics and   Earthquake Engineering》、《The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings》等二十余本SCI期刊审稿人.













1.一种盆山耦合场地地震动的三维数值模拟方法. ZL202010107444.0. (发明授权)

2.一种三维地震波场SE-IBE耦合模拟方法. ZL202010671252.2. (发明授权)

3.周期分布排桩对平面SV波散射解析解的求解方法. ZL202010173459.7. (发明授权)

4.考虑周期分布的群桩屏障对弹性波隔振的解析计算方法. ZL202010107452.5. (发明授权)

5.一种蘑菇形刚性短桩#橡胶砂复合隔震垫层. ZL201710118880.6. (发明授权)

6.一种高性能自复位耗能支撑. ZL202321888654.3. (实用新型授权)

7.一种多阶屈服耗能支撑. ZL202322344938.2. (实用新型授权)

8.一种用于城市轨道交通减隔振的路基结构. ZL202022384258.X. (实用新型授权)

9.一种套管桩—基础垫层联合隔震体系. ZL202023068926.4. (实用新型授权)

10.一种混合填料填充沟隔振结构. ZL202022386684.7. (实用新型授权)

11.一种减轻地铁运行诱发振动的斜桩隔振屏障. ZL202023068904.8. (实用新型授权)

12.面向山区风电场抗震分析的地震动快速模拟系统V1.0, 2024SR0649639. (软件著作权)

13.潜在震区城市尺度地震动时空场快速评估软件V1.0, 2024SR0647858. (软件著作权)

14.基于情景构建的重大基础设施地震灾害风险快速预判软件V1.0, 2024SR0648354. (软件著作权)

15.地铁上盖结构振动性能精细化智慧仿真模拟系统V1.0, 2024SR0647858. (软件著作权)

16.基于整体物理模型的复杂场地全过程三维地震动模拟软件V1.0, 2022SR0150833. (软件著作权)

17.大尺度复杂场地宽频非线性地震波场FK-SEM混合模拟软件V1.0, 2022SR0150816. (软件著作权)

18.饱和软土场地中周期分布排桩隔振分析软件V1.0, 2020SR1247930. (软件著作权)

19.地铁列车运行诱发饱和土场地振动模拟的2.5IBEM软件V1.0, 2020SR1247929. (软件著作权)



性别 出生年月
学位 博士 职称 助理研究员
联系电话 17320221550 电子邮箱 mtwu@scu.edu.cn
传真 https://www.scholarmate.com/P/wumengtao 通讯地址 四川大学江安校区香港马会大楼C414室
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