4.A Modernist Project in China: Gan-da-lei Mudhouses in Early Daqing, in: Model House Research Group (ed.), Transcultural Modernisms, pp.156-171, Sterberg Press, 2013.(ISBN: 978-3-943365-89-4);
5.Socio-Spatial Transformation in Mao’s China: Settlement Planning and Dwelling Architecture Revisited (1950s-1970s), KULeuven Press, 2007.(ISBN: 978-90-5682-874-5);
6.From Shikumen to New-style: a rereading on lilong housing in modern Shanghai, in: James Madge, Andrew Peckham (eds.), Narrating Architecture: A Retrospective Anthology. London: Rutledge, 2006. pp. 453-481. (ISBN: 10-0-415-38564-4);
7.Caoyang New Village: The First Worker’s Housing Project in People’s Republic of China, 1950s-1970s”(2nd version), in: Proceedings of the 8th Australasian Urban/Planning History Conference, Wellington, 2006. pp. 515-530. (ISBN: 0-473-10841-0);
8.From Shikumen to New-style: A Rereading on lilong Housing in Modern Shanghai, in: The Journal of Architecture, Vol.9, spring 2004, pp.49-76. (ISSN: 1360-2365);
9.Lilong: A Transformed Living Sediment in the Social Urban Evolution of Shanghai, in: TSOU Jie Yeu (ed.) Sustainable Environment: Quality Urban Living, Proceedings of the Third China Urban Housing Conference. Hong Kong: Center for Housing Innovations. 2003. pp.147-154. (ISBN: 962-8272-26-8);
10.Fengshui Impact on Traditional Settlements in China: Case Study of Beijing in Its form, Shape & Meaning, KULeuven, 2000.
11.Fengshui and Ancient Chinese Landscape (1st author), in: IIAS (International Institute of Asian Studies) Newsletter, No. 13, 1997. pp. 34-35. (ISSN: 0929-8738);
12.《清代皇家园林与风水初探》(第一作者),载于:《规划师》一九九七年第一期第106-112页。(ISSN: 1006-0022)