1、Chenyang Liao*, Qing Gao, Deborah S. Katz-Downie, Stephen R. Downie.A systematic study of North AmericanAngelicaspecies (Apiaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA sequences and fruit morphology.Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2020 (online):doi:10.1111/jse.12702. (中科院一区)
2、Chenyang Liao,Stephen R. Downie, Yan Yu and Xingjin He. Historical biogeography of the Angelica group (Apiaceae tribe Selineae) inferred from analyses of nrDNAand cpDNA sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2012, 50: 195 – 205. (中科院一区)
3、Chenyang Liao, Stephen R. Downie, Yan Yu, Qinqin Li and Xingjin He. New insights into the phylogeny of Angelica and its allies (Apiaceae) with emphasis on East Asian species, inferred from nrDNA, cpDNA and morphological evidence. Systematic Botany 2013, 38(1): 266 – 281. (中科院四区)
4、Chenyang Liao, Jiazhen Zhang, Jinbo Tan, Yi Chen, Xiangguang Ma*.Angelica muliensissp. nov. (Apiaceae) from Sichuan, southwest China. Nordic Journal of Botany,2018,36(3): 1 – 4.(中科院四区)
5、Xiangguang Ma,Chenyang Liao*, Chen Yi, Hanwen Xu.Ferula paeoniifoliasp. nov. (Apiaceae) from Sichuan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2019,37(3): 1 – 4.(中科院四区)
6、Chenyang Liaoand Xingjin He. Angelica dabashanensis (Apiaceae), a new species from Daba Mountains, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 2012, 49: 125 – 133. (中科院四区)
7、Chenyang Liao, Xiaofu Chen, Yi Chen,Yundong Gao*.The complete chloroplast genome ofAngelicasylvestris, the type species of the genusAngelica(Apiaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B,2019, 4(2):3596–3597.(中科院四区)
8、Chenyang Liao, Xiaofu Chen, Jinbo Tan, Qing Gao*. The complete chloroplast genome ofOstericum palustre(Apiaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B,2020,5(2):1357–1358.(中科院四区)
9、Chenyang Liao, Qing Gao and Fen Wu*.The chloroplast genome of Ostericum citriodorum (Apiaceae), an endemic medicinal plant to China.Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2020 (accepted).(中科院四区)
11、廖晨阳,杨明乐,陈一,高庆*. 9种日本当归属植物的果实形态特征研究,西北植物学报,2019, 39 (11): 2003–2010.
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13、陈一,廖晨阳*,刘洁琛.黄泥夯筑羌寨聚落的景观意象研究及可持续发展探讨,华中建筑,2019,(1): 64–67.
14、张诗怡,廖晨阳*,李曼凌,陈一,周波.伞形科山芹属8种17居群的植物花粉形态研究.西北植物学报, 2018, 38(12): 2224–2235.
15、李曼凌,廖晨阳*,叶晨,张佳臻,冯天宇,周波.伞形科山芹属叶表皮微形态特征研究,西北植物学报,2017,37(08): 1540–1549.
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17、廖晨阳,高辉,杨洁.中国伞形科狭义当归属果实表面微形态特征及其分类学研究.西北植物学报,2015,35 (01): 65–75.