1-Huang, R.; Wang, C.; Chelme-Ayala, P.;Fang, Z.; Shi, Q.; Xu, C.;Gamal El-Din, M.,Ferrate oxidationofdistinct naphthenic acids species isolated fromprocess water of unconventional petroleum production.Science of the Total Environment2019, 672, 906-915.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
2-Huang, R.; Chen, Y.; Meshref, M. N. A.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Dong, S.; Ibrahim, M. D.; Wang, C.; Klamerth, N.;Hughes, S. A.;Headley, J. V.;Peru, K. M.;Brown, C.;Mahaffey A.;Gamal El-Din, M., Characterization and determination of naphthenic acids in oil sands process-affected water and groundwater from the Alberta oil sands region of Canada.Water Research2018,128, 129-137.(JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
3-Huang, R.; Chen, Y.; Gamal El-Din, M., Silver-ion Solid Phase Extraction Separation of Classical, Aromatic, Oxidized, and Heteroatomic Naphthenic Acids from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water.Environmental Science & Technology2016, 50 (12), 6433-41.(JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
4-Huang, R.; Chen, Y.; Meshref, M. N. A.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Dong, S.; Ibrahim, M. D.; Wang, C.; Klamerth, N.;Hughes, S. A.;Headley, J. V.;Peru, K. M.;Brown, C.;Mahaffey A.;Gamal El-Din, M.,Monitoring of classical, oxidized, and heteroatomic naphthenic acids species in oil sands process water and groundwater from the active oil sands operation area.Science of the Total Environment2018, 645, 277-285.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
5-Huang, R.; McPhedran, K. N.; Gamal El-Din, M., Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Ion Mobility Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Characterization of Naphthenic Acids Species from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water.Environmental Science & Technology2015, 49, (19), 11737-11745.(JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
6-Huang, R.; Wang, W.; Qian, Y.; Boyd, J. M.; Zhao, Y.; Li, X.-F., Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatography - Negative Electrospray Ionization Determination of Twelve Halobenzoquinones at ng/L levels in Drinking Water.Analytical Chemistry2013, 85, (9), 4520-4529.(JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
7-Huang, R.; Zhang, B.; Zou, D.; Hang, W.; He, J.; Huang, B., Elemental imaging via laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Analytical Chemistry2011, 83, (3), 1102-1107.(JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
8-Huang, R.; Lin, Y.; Li, L.; Hang, W.; He, J.; Huang, B., Two-dimensional separation in laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Analytical Chemistry2010, 82, (7), 3077-3080.(JCR一区TOP期刊,Nature Index期刊)
9-Huang, R.; Yu, Q.; Li, L.; Lin, Y.; Hang, W.; He, J.; Huang, B., High irradiance laser ionization orthogonal time-of-flight mass spectrometry: a versatile tool for solid analysis.Mass Spectrometry Reviews2011, 30, (6), 1256-68.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
10-Fang,Z.#;Huang,R.#;Chelme-Ayala,P.;Shi,Q.;Xu,C.;Gamal El-Din, M.,Comparison of UV/Persulfate and UV/H2O2for the removal of naphthenic acids and acute toxicity towardsVibrio fischerifrom petroleum production process water.Science of the Total Environment2019, 694, 133686.(共同一作, JCR一区TOP期刊)
11-Huang, R.; Qin, R.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Wang, C.; Gamal El-Din, M., Assessment of ozonation reactivity foroxidized and aromaticnaphthenic acids species separated using a silver-ion solid phase extraction method.Chemosphere2019, 219, 313-320.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
12-Huang, R.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Zhang, Y.; Changalov, M.; Gamal El-Din, M., Investigation of dissociation constants for total and individual naphthenic acids species using ultra performance liquid chromatography ion mobility time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis.Chemosphere2017, 184, 738-746. (IF2019=5.108,中科院2区,TOP期刊)
13-Huang, R.; McPhedran, K. N.; Sun, N.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Gamal El-Din, M., Investigation of the impact of organic solvent type and solution pH on the extraction efficiency of naphthenic acids from oil sands process-affected water.Chemosphere2016, 146, 472-477.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
14-Huang, R.; McPhedran, K. N.; Yang, L.; Gamal El-Din, M., Characterization and distribution of metal and nonmetal elements in the Alberta oil sands region of Canada.Chemosphere2016, 147, 218-229.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
15-Huang, R.; Sun, N.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; McPhedran, K. N.; Changalov, M.; Gamal El-Din, M., Fractionation of oil sandsprocess-affected water using pH-dependent extractions: A study of dissociation constants for naphthenic acids species.Chemosphere2015, 127, 291-296.(JCR一区TOP期刊)
16-Hughes, S. A.#;Huang, R.#; Mahaffey A.; Chelme-Ayala, P.; Klamerth, N.; Meshref, M. N. A.; Ibrahim, M. D.; Brown, C.; Peru, K. M.; Headley, J. V.; Gamal El-Din, M., Comparison of methods for determination of total oil sands-derived naphthenic acids in water samples.Chemosphere2017, 187, 376-384.(共同一作, JCR一区TOP期刊)